Church bells which have been transported all the way from Holland were due to be delivered to Saltaire today.

The bells, funded by the widow of the man credited with reviving the village, will be installed in the Saltaire United Reformed Church next week.

Maggie Silver, widow of Jonathan Silver who died six years ago at the age of 47, has underwritten the £30,000 cost of casting and fitting the six new bells.

And Mrs Silver hopes the bells will provide a fitting memory to her late husband who transformed the derelict Salt's Mill into a thriving gallery and arts centre.

The bells, cast in Holland before being transported to the installers Eayre and Smith in Derby, will be displayed in the church rooms until they are hauled up the church tower next Monday.

The exhibition will be open from tomorrow until Sunday from 2pm to 4pm, and between 7.30pm and 8.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday.

There will be no entrance fee but a donation towards the future upkeep of the bells will be welcome.

The church will be open in the afternoons and on Sunday afternoon the church cafe will be serving refreshments.

The bells will be rung for the first time in September during Saltaire Festival.

Donations for the restoration can be sent to Saltaire Village Society, 10 Caroline Street, Saltaire, Shipley BD18 4PU.