City will wrap Jason Gavin in cotton wool to ensure the Irishman does not become another long-term absentee.

Gavin has missed the first week of the season with a thigh strain and did not travel with the squad for today's game at Cardiff.

Boss Nicky Law hopes the former Republic international will be clear to face Gillingham next Saturday - but he is not taking any chances.

With Peter Atherton out for at least three months and Mark Bower still a couple of weeks away, City cannot afford to gamble on the fitness of another centre half.

Law said: "We'll be patient with Jason and hopefully he'll be back for next week. But we certainly don't want to push him.

"The little strain he has got is looking a bit worse than it was. It's important with that type of injury that you don't try to force it too quickly or you get a proper tear.

"It's a big muscle and if the problem worsens he will be out for some time."

Simon Francis deputised well against Norwich and Darlington but Law believes Gavin and David Wetherall will form an impressive partnership.

The Bantams boss added: "Wetherall and Gavin have really looked good together in pre-season, certainly in their last game against Barnsley.

"It's a very solid pairing which I'm sure will do a very good job for us and it's a shame we've had to break that up."

Meanwhile, Alan Combe has revealed he is still suffering from a groin niggle picked up in pre-season.

Combe, yet to play in a competitive game, said: "I've had the injury since we went to Scotland. I've only played once so far against Coleraine and it's been frustrating.

"I've been on the bench because we haven't got another experienced goalkeeper as cover."

Teenage stopper Aaron O'Malley made the trip to south Wales as a precaution.