TV's Antiques Roadshow expert Eric Knowles is among a top line-up for the first Saltaire Festival next month.

He will be giving a talk on Art Deco during the 16-day event which has been planned to celebrate the bicentenary of Sir Titus Salt's birth, the 150th anniversary of Salts Mill, and Saltaire Village gaining Unesco World Heritage status.

The festival, which runs from Friday, September 5 until Sunday, September 21, will feature a continental market - officially opened by members of the Salt family - and street entertainment from musicians and artists.

A cartoonist and a poet will be teaming up at Victoria Hall on September 17 from 7pm. Tony Husband, who has been named Cartoonist of the Year ten times, will be joined by Barnsley poet Ian McMillan, to perform The Alpacas of Saltaire, a show reflecting upon the village's legends, rowing and romance. Tony's work regularly appears in national newspapers and magazines and Ian has his own radio show, The Verb, on Saturday nights. He is also a regular on the Mark Radcliffe Show on Radio One.

Other events will include a Victorian picnic cricket match, concerts and poetry readings, horse-drawn carriage rides, guided walks and a rowing club regatta.

Local breweries have also been challenged to recreate 1853 beers for a special Camra festival.

Eddie Lawler, one of the Saltaire Village Society organisers, said the festival had been a year in the planning.

"We are very thrilled by what is going to happen.

"A lot of hard work has gone into this festival by people who have not done anything like this before. We hope that all people who live in Saltaire and who love Saltaire will come along and enjoy themselves."

The official festival programmes are now available at various venues including the village's information centre and Salts Mill, but some timings may be altered.

The festival's website will give full, correct details of events by the end of this week.

The village society is appealing for more volunteers to help steward the event, particularly people with knowledge of sound systems and amplification.

Ring (01274) 587945 to get involved.