An elderly blind woman and her guide dog were left terrified when thugs shot fireworks at them.

Mary Ryan, 81, of Canterbury Avenue, Bradford, who has been blind since birth, was walking with her dog Norma when the attack happened.

Norma can now no longer work as a guide dog because of the traumatic experience which happened in Central Avenue, near Mrs Ryan's home.

Mrs Ryan, pictured, said: "She's absolutely scared of the fireworks. She doesn't bark or cry but she trembles and pants and wants to be very close to me."

Her stepson Peter Ryan, 54, of Canterbury Avenue, said: "When the firework went off the dog pulled the lead which caused Mary to fall off the kerb into the road.

"She banged her head and suffered injuries to her left leg."

Mrs Ryan added: "A kind lady came and helped me up.

"I was trembling and shaking and trying to get my bearings.

"Norma got confused and started going the wrong way."

Norma is Mrs Ryan's fourth guide-dog and, according to her, the best she has had.

She said: "Norma's been my life and my independence. She's my eyes.

"I don't feel up to training with a young dog.

"I've a good family - they'll take me out and I'll consider some other form of mobility."

Andrew Hanlon, district team manager for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, it was unlikely the organisation would retrain Norma because of Mrs Ryan's age.

He added: "But under no circumstances will Mary have to give her up.

"This is her dog and we won't be adding to her trauma by taking her away.

"Sadly, this is not an isolated accident. Every year we have to bring dogs back to retrain and it's not always successful.

"I get phone calls every day from people whose dogs are frightened of these fireworks going off but there is little we can do about it until legislation is changed."

Gerry Sutcliffe, Bradford South MP, consumer minister with responsibility for fireworks, said: "This incident is a disgrace.

"That's why the Government is doubling penalties and introducing a ban on the sale of fireworks to under 18s.

"This is just another example of mindless thuggery that has horrendous consequences."