It is encouraging to learn that Bradford has climbed up a place in the league table of cities in which to do business and now ranks eighth out of 28. As the president of Bradford Chamber of Commerce says, that overall placing is pretty good considering Bradford's problems and perceptions.

However, before the rejoicing gets under way there is another side of the coin to be looked at. There is a contradiction in the report between Bradford's respectable ranking and complaints by bosses of major companies which are already established here.

They claim the Council is "big on plans and promises but pathetic on delivery". And more than a quarter of the employers surveyed were highly critical of the quality of the Bradford workforce.

That latter point can hopefully be solved by an improving schools system coupled with greater emphasis on vocational training to produce a better- educated, better-skilled pool of workers.

But as far as fulfilling promises goes, the Council clearly needs to do more to get its act together. At present it seems to be succeeding in attracting businesses to Bradford but is not doing enough to look after them when they come here. It needs to put its thinking cap on and come up with a "long-term care" package.

Hopefully the Urban Regeneration Company will have a part to play in acting as a one-stop shop which can help businesses to find a suitable location, apply for grants, etc. But to do its job to best effect it needs the Council to be a fully-committed partner.