Science-mad students have enjoyed a behind the scenes tour of a food laboratory.

Parkside School, in Cullingworth, sent two A-level chemistry pupils to the West Yorkshire Analytical Services, in Morley, Leeds.

School head of chemistry Katherine Swire said: "They were given a tour and talk around the labs. The students were asked to bring food samples of a typical school dinner and analyse it for protein content.

"A sample of air from the school grounds was also tested for pollution and quality levels.

"As well as providing fantastic career insight, they also had a great time." Students involved were James Dourandish and Aksar Mahmood.

The invitation was part of National Chemistry Week, which had a theme of "Chemistry's Pleasures".

It also marked the 75th anniversary of the opening of a full-time public analysts laboratory, in West Yorkshire.

Public analyst Dr Duncan Campbell said: "Official laboratories are not generally open for visits of this sort, but I felt it important to mark this occasion.

"The visit allowed A-level students and their teachers to see the application of analytical chemistry in real situations."