Local initiatives get things going at last

SIR, - I see from recent publicity put about by the Liberal Democrats that the Electoral Commission has not listened to the views of local people who will be affected by the local election boundary changes to Aireborough (Yeadon, Rawdon, Guiseley, and Hawksworth).

This is a shame in that at long last Leeds City Council is spending money on this area and not just the inner city. The local councillors for Aireborough have listened to what people have been telling them and that they have been able to push our case for more investment in the area locally.

Yes at long last roads are being resurfaced, Oxford Road, Green Lane, the Henshaw estate, to mention just a few. Also there will be a skateboard area in Nunroyd Park.

Look around and see the difference that local initiatives such as the 'Yeadon project' have made to the environment especially down Yeadon High Street.

After all, Aireborough is a popular place to live in. This is reflected in house prices and because of this we pay a higher Council Tax compared to other areas of Leeds. Yet at the very time that we are beginning to see some benefit from reinvestment of Council Tax it is Otley's Liberals who are telling us that they would abolish the Council Tax, surely cutting back on the money available and bringing about yet more cutbacks in essential services that we should be receiving from Leeds City Council.

The Liberal Democrats may dream up ideas, but they should think them through first. Quite simply their sums do not add up, they never did and never will.

The investment in the area not only should be increased but sustained to provide more road repairs, improvements to Yeadon Tarn, more facilities for the young and a safer environment on our streets for young, and old.

John Sharples

53 Hawthorn Road,


Scheme backed

SIR, - I felt compelled to comment on the proposed development by the Raven group at High Royds site in Menston.

We live in Menston directly overlooking the hospital from Bingley road and we can see the clock tower from our front room window.

Obviously our location means that we stand to be affected most by the development. However, we are not against it and we are tired of reading comments from councillors who are supposed to represent public views having nothing but adverse comments towards the scheme.

Yes there will be a increase in traffic on the A65 but I make the following points that appear to be overlooked by everyone knocking the development.

1. Once closed the site was always going to be redeveloped anyway. Many cried out for the site to be made into a general hospital for the area. indeed, this would have been good but we all know money would stop this and in any case this would have led to a rise in traffic on the A65 well above that of the proposed development by the Raven Group. How many complaints would we have heard then?

2. Alternatives we were left with were someone like the Raven Group who would develop the site as planned and spend a lot on restructuring of the road network to minimise traffic impact, or selling off to a large housing group who would pile them high and sell them cheap and certainly would not have been as sympathetic to the site as currently planned.

Yes there will be an effect on the A65 traffic but to a large extent the traffic flow in the whole area is already very bad and I can't see it being made much worse once the development and road alterations are complete. Nose to tail traffic is and will continue to be a problem in the area despite High Royds.

So to those councillors claiming to represent peoples views, you certainly don't represent ours. Having viewed the plans and been to public consultations I am glad the site is to be redeveloped by the Raven Group, it could be much worse!

In my opinion unreliable public trains and poor bus services add far more to the congestion on the A65 than any proposed development. My daughter works in Burley; trains often don't come and a bus does not go direct to Burley.

Until we get reliability and make public transport user friendly the congestion on roads in the area will continue. People are creatures of instinct and will take the most easy option so we must make it easier to use public transport than a car, we are far from this stage yet!

Ian Hill

Bingley Road,


Concert credit

SIR, - I was interested to read the report in your publication last week regarding the amount raised in Otley for the Poppy Appeal and I send my congratulations to Doris Gagan the honorary organiser.

However, the amount raised includes the proceeds of a concert at Prince Henry's Grammar School and the report suggests that this event is co-ordinated by Doris Gagen. Unfortunately this information is not correct. The concert held annually at Prince Henry's is, in fact, produced by Mrs Irene Willis, who is an independent fundraiser on behalf of the Poppy Appeal.

Mrs Willis, who for many years was our branch secretary at Skipton, has produced these concerts for some nine years and myself and other members of my branch have attended all but one of them. The sterling work done by Mrs Willis has to date raised more than £13,000 for the Poppy Appeal all of which is sent directly to the headquarters of the Poppy Appeal at Aylesford.

For her efforts Mrs Willis has received certificates of appreciation from the head of Poppy Appeal, South and West Yorkshire County and my branch at Skipton.

Gerald Thornhill


Skipton Branch,

Royal British Legion..

l FOOTNOTE: Our apologies to Mrs Willis for any embarrassment caused by our report - EDITOR.

Lit up again

SIR, - Once again, Burley-in-Wharfedale has been lit up with an ever-growing and glowing display of Christmas lights, which were turned on by Peter Lorimer on Saturday. Many people turned out to see the lights and also to visit Burley's first Christmas Market. The whole afternoon proved very popular and locals and visitors were not deterred by the bad weather.

A huge amount of time is spent in the planning and preparation of the Christmas lights and many other projects in the village.

So a big thank you to the many volunteers for making Burley the best, especially community council member Tom Sumner, whose continuous hard work and dedication never fails Burley.


19 Manse Road,


Charity thanks

SIR, - On behalf of the committee, grateful thanks to all the companies, shops and friends for all the gifts and donations which made our Fayre on Saturday, November 29, so successful, to the public for attending when the weather was so bad, to Joyce and staff for the excellent caf. We made a clear profit of £2,200 - what a wonderful effort.

Christmas Hamper No. 94 claimed. Flower and Candle No. 160 and Brandy Trail No. 151 both claimed. The raffle numbers 2790, 1978, 0929, 0412, 0788, 0234 and 3052 are all claimed. Ticket No. 5684 for a coffee machine is unclaimed.

The Pantomime, 'Cinderella' is from January 16 to the 24, and the booking office is open, telephone (01943) 874704.

Mrs W Brown


Yeadon Charities Association.

Forum facts

SIR, - As an active member of Burley Youth Forum since the days of its inception at Burley Middle School, I would like to clarify certain misconceptions and also to inform many members of the community of our successful projects as well as our ongoing activities and plans for the future.

The Burley Youth Forum was conceived during my time as headmaster at the school. Its initial activities included Education Business Partnerships - most notably The Burley History Trail. This involved a high commitment from many people, and nearly five years and four reprints of the guide later, it is still making a profit and many friends.

A significant number of students gained nationally accredited qualifications in managing Young Enterprise companies.

The young people of Burley formed rock bands and gave concerts to raise money and awareness of their activities. A new outdoor basketball Court was erected on the Recreation ground, the sports pavilion at Scalebor Park has been superbly restored for community use as well as the erection of the all-weather shelter in the park.

The redevelopment of the Queen's Hall is our major project at the present time to provide high quality facilities for all groups in the village. The junior football club in the village and Youth Forum are working closely together on the upgrading of facilities on the recreation ground and we are looking to create other activity areas, to further develop this amenity.

The present make-up of the forum is of young teenagers, a newly elected parish councillor, representatives of the business community and retired professionals. Far from having our head in the sand we hold our heads high and look with pride at what has been achieved and look forward with anticipation to what is to come.

I talk with former students and their parents daily and can assure you that none of us know who causes the damage in the village and that if we did appropriate steps would be taken.

Your reader would be most welcome to come and join our forum, to share his/her opinions and to become actively involved in youth and community developments in our village.


(Retired headmaster)

11, Sandholme Drive,


Floodwater fear

SIR, - Although I fully support those people who are trying to have a footbridge at Burley across the river Wharfe, I was surprised to see the impression of the proposed bridge shown in your newspaper a few weeks ago.

Those of us who live by the river and have seen it many times in full flood know that whole trees are swept down with great force and the Old Bridge needs clearing every spring by men with chain saws. About three years ago a mobile crane was needed to lift the massive debris away that was caught on the North buttress.

All footbridges across the river at Ilkley, Addingham and between Burnsall and Grassington are suspension bridges with the exception of the one at Bolton Abbey, which is high and has big stone piers.

I would not like to see the footbridge at Burley swept away in the first flood.


1, Stubham Court,

Stubham Rise,
