Eastburn Junior and Infant School received its most rewarding Ofsted report this week. The report, from the inspection in October, said the school had improved well.

It said: "This is a very good school with an exceptional capacity to reflect on its practice with a view to further improvement."

The leadership by head teacher Elizabeth Pratt was billed as excellent, along with very good teaching and systems of care from teachers and assistants.

The report said most pupils worked with concentration and enthusiasm because they were motivated well by the very interesting learning activities planned for them.

It also mentioned the fact that pupils at the school exceeded national standards in most subjects on its rich curriculum.

Mrs Pratt, said: ""I am especially pleased with the bit about the school having 'an outstanding unity of purpose'. That's what it's all about -- everyone working to the same end as a team."

The school was praised on its new extensions to the building and the development of the computer suite. The only area for improvement highlighted by the report was for the school to have better library facilities because of the lack of space in which older pupils could learn independently.

Chairman on the governors, Joan Lawrence, said: "We are delighted and proud of the Ofsted report. In all aspects of the wide-ranging review the school has come out strongly."