Mr Norman Kelk, of Lawnswood Road, who has a long association with the Keighley Sea Cadet Corps, has supplied this photograph of the cadets who mounted the Guard of Honour at the war memorial, on Remembrance Sunday, in 1955. "They were belted and gaitered in correct Royal Navy uniforms," he observes, "Carrying 303 rifles and continuing a proud tradition of the Keighley Sea Cadets started in 1948."

In the front rank, from the left, are Richard Eagan, Tony Kennealy and Barry Kelk; rear rank, Jimmy Law, Peter Dodds and Allen Dentith.

Chief Petty Officer Bryan Birk stands behind.

Mr Kelk, who took the photograph, was also on the parade, at which Leading Seaman Jessop sounded Last Post and Reveille.

Commissioned in 1943, the Keighley Sea Cadet Corps christened its headquarters TS Marne, after a destroyer adopted by the town during the Second World War.