HEADTEACHER of Skipton's Christ Church School Helen Davey says she is "absolutely thrilled" with its Ofsted report, published this week.

An inspector visited the 120-pupil school in November and concluded its effectiveness and value for money were good.

She noted that pupils' standards of work and achievements had improved significantly and the school had addressed all key issues from the previous inspection.

"The school serves its community well by providing high quality education within a loving Christian environment," she added.

The inspector praised the school's management, describing Mrs Davey as a headteacher who provided "visionary leadership".

Pupils achieved well and by Year Six had reached standards that were above average.

"The quality of education provided by the school is good. Teachers provide encouragement and interest. As a result, pupils work very hard," said the report.

The development of youngsters' personal qualities was also singled out for praise.

The inspector stated: "Pupils relate very well with others, have a strong sense of spiritual awareness and a very well developed respect of the views and opinions of others."

Suggested areas for improvement included the provision of an area for outdoor learning in the reception class and strengthening the multi-cultural element of pupils' development.

Chairman of the governors Cathy Johnson said plans were already in hand to raise money for a play area. There were also cultural music and art projects in the pipeline.

She paid tribute to Mrs Davey for "galvanising the teaching staff, bringing out the best in senior teachers and helping to support younger teachers.'

Mrs Davey told the Herald she was delighted with the Ofsted report, which recognised the hard work of staff, governors and pupils.

"The report clearly demonstrates that we are achieving our vision for the school. The minor areas for development had already been identified in our School Improvement Plan and will continue to be addressed in the near future."