If the local environment is to be rescued for the future from the litter louts and vandals who seem determined to ruin it, then we need the younger generation to take it to their hearts.

It is thoughtless youngsters who are often blamed for creating the mess that blights streets, suburbs and beauty spots (although thoughtless adults also do their share). And almost certainly it will be teenagers or young adults who were responsible for the 15 burned-out wrecks which currently spoil the pleasure of a stroll around Bull Greave Wood at Clayton.

Fortunately not all young people are the same. Many do care and want to improve things. Among them is ten-year-old Leanne Holland who was so horrified after walking in the wood with her parents that she wrote to the Council and has called on councillors and police to tackle the problem.

Good for her! Let's hope that the authority and the police can arrange the removal of the vehicles quickly and find out who owns the wood so that steps can be taken to prevent this dangerous and unsightly practice.

It is encouraging to hear Bradford Council's environment officer Anne Dixon say that she finds children to be environment-conscious and responsive to anti-litter campaigns. Perhaps the message which has been hammered home so relentlessly over the years yet seems to have by-passed some older generations is at last being heard.

Certainly children seem to be among the most enthusiastic participants when clean-up efforts are called for. Let's hope that Leanne's example encourages others to make their voices heard on this important matter.