SPEED cameras, which work on the principle of reflected light, have generated more heat in the last few years than almost any other driving issue. As they mushroom alongside roads all over the country powerful voices are raised against them in principle and in practice.

As if just to prove the veracity of the witticism that there are 'lies, damned lies and statistics', the results of the recent Government survey reached two diametrically opposed conclusions according to which newspaper was being read.

Headlines in one, trumpeted the amount of lives saved by the installation of road side cameras while another, using exactly the same report, declared that fatal accidents had increased in some areas covered by cameras.

There is a very vociferous lobby which regards speed cameras as nothing more than nefarious devices employed by the police and the Home Office to fleece the ordinary motorist - a new driving tax as if we don't have enough already - while the opposite lobby hails them as a wonder weapon to employ in the battle against road deaths.

The true picture as usual is probably located somewhere between the two extremes. However, on a road as notorious as the A65 as it goes through Manor Park, anything that helps to improve road safety is a bonus.

The introduction of a 40mph speed limit around 12 months ago was long overdue and the new cameras, which should be in place by April next year, will help to make sure motorist adhere to the regulations.

Of course a motorists issued with a fixed penalty ticket after being caught out by a camera while driving barely above the limit will feel aggrieved. But if we are honest there is no justification for speeding at all - especially on a section of road which has seen more than its fair share of fatal and serious accidents.