A BIG week for decision makers, with councillors having to make up their minds on the future of Skipton's Town Hall and those Broughton Road washing lines.

Ever since the Craven Herald first brought the attention of the public to the row brewing in the back alleys of Skipton over the rights and wrongs of hanging washing out to dry, other papers and television have followed up the story and the nation has had a good giggle.

Just when the joke was wearing a little thin, jesters at the county council came up with a wishy-washy (pun intended) compromise setting out times and days when washing would be allowed. The suggestion was a nonsense. How can a whole street co-ordinate its washing times? And what about the rain!

Happily wiser counsel prevailed and the county council decioded to do exactly what every council has done about washing on back streets ever since the Obstruction of the Highway Act 1847 - nothing.

A closer inspection of the county council report gives a big clue as to why it was being so dog in the manger about the whole affair - the fear of being held liable for injuries. As we all know, the damp knickers and odd socks hung out on England's back streets have been a killing field for unsuspecting pedestrians, maiming thousands over the decades.

While North Yorkshire opted the 'do nothing' approach, we congratulate Craven District on sticking to its guns and determining to do something about the town hall.

This is, let us not forget, a building for all the community. It is not for the exclusive use of stall holders and those who enjoy looking round flea markets.

Heaven knows there are enough markets in the town hall all year round and not one will be lost. Instead some pitches will have to make way for the rest of the community.

Despite the squeals of the vociferous pro-market lobby and some rather disingenuous arguments to try to sway those who visit Skipton every now and again, it is the right decision for those who pay their council tax to Craven.