The Bulls face the daunting prospect of heading to Wigan on Friday night without key backs Karl Pratt and Leon Pryce.

Both players face the RFL disciplinary committee tonight to answer for their actions in the ugly 20th-minute mass brawl that erupted against Wakefield Wildcats at Odsal on Sunday.

Pratt was sent off for his part in the fighting, while Pryce and Wildcats wing Semi Tadulala both received yellow cards.

Tadulala and Wildcats forward Oliver Elima - who is believed to have kicked Pratt in the head - will also face the judiciary.

Injuries to first-choice centres Toa Kohe-Love and Paul Johnson have left the Bulls already short of experienced outside backs and the suspension of both Pratt and Pryce would further stretch the club's resources.

Noble was surprised Pryce had been cited but refused to defend Pratt. "What he did was silly. You can't condone that kind of thing. We'll see what the judiciary has to say. His team-mates have in effect already lost him for a game as it is," said Noble. However, Noble doubted Pryce and Tadulala would have been cited if the match had not been televised.

"I've already expressed my disappointment with the people who made the decision to cite Pryce. Tadulala and Pryce have already been punished for their part. I thought the officials on the day did a great job handling it."

Any suspension would be a cruel blow for Pryce, who is already under pressure from new signing Iestyn Harris to retain the stand-off jersey he has long coveted.

If Pryce is ruled out Harris will get his chance in the No 6 shirt, while Noble will be forced to persist with Jamie Langley as a makeshift centre and bring youngster Andy Smith in on the wing.

With St Helens wing Dominic Feaunati having copped a three-match ban for a similar offence to Pratt's earlier in the season, it is hard to see the Bulls utility escaping a similar punishment.

Pryce could escape with a fine only but even so would likely find himself shifted to centre or wing to accommodate Harris.