In 1837, Queen Victoria moved into Buckingham Palace, the first monarch to do so.

In 1978, financial figures revealed that the average house price in London was £16,731.

In 1985, two simultaneous Live Aid concerts took place in London and Philadelphia raising over £50 million for famine relief in Africa.

From the Telegraph & Argus of July 13th, 1979...

East Bowling Over-60s club celebrated its first anniversary earlier this week. And its members certainly had something worth celebrating. For since it started, the club has signed up about 260 members, and has proved so popular, that it cannot cope with any more. In fact, word spread so quickly about the club, that people were travelling from all over Bradford to go to the meetings. But now the organisers have had to limit membership to residents of East Bowling.

From the Telegraph & Argus of July 13th, 1954...

WOMEN'S PAGE - How much tea does your teaspoon hold? In their anxiety to make sure that we all produce the perfect cup, the Tea Bureau experts are perfecting a standard caddy spoon, so that "one for each person and one for the pot" can be adhered to without hit or miss. Have you tried too, after letting the brew stand the statutory five minutes (and what a long five minutes that is sometimes) pouring off the tea into a second heated pot? It may seem an unnecessary addition to the washing up, but it really does make a difference.