A group of law students are having a sleep-over - in Bradford City Hall's spooky old court house - to raise money for a cancer support group.

Kirsty Mullaney, 29, a LLB (Hons) student at Bradford College, has roped in fellow legal eagles for the sponsored night in the reputedly haunted building on August 5.

They got the idea after visiting City Hall to take part in Bradford Law School's mooting contest - in which law students present a fictitious appeal before a "judge".

Kirsty, of Elmwood Road, Keighley, said: "It is going to be spooky because it is supposed to haunted and we are going to make it worse by sitting round telling ghost stories."

However, it will all be worth it if they raise lots of money for Airedale Cancer Support, a charity close to Kirsty's heart.

"I have had first hand experience with this charity as my mum Mary Toothill has had breast cancer three times," she said.

"This resulted in her having a lumpectomy 20 years ago, a mastectomy 13 years ago and a second mastectomy in October 2002.

"After the last operation the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and she needed chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Airedale Cancer Support Group was a big support, not just to my mum, but to my sister and myself.

"They are there to help both the patients and the families."

The family has already raised thousands for the charity. Last year they organised a fundraising night which pulled in £3,758 and they plan another on October 30 at Victoria Hall, Keighley.

They have also organised a calendar which features naked men - tastefully shot like the Women's Institute's Calendar Girls - including Mrs Toothill's surgeon Ian Hutchinson.

Other fundraising events for the charity throughout the summer will include raffles, a car boot sale, an auction and a games night.