Hot favourite curry chef Tariq Mahmood has cooked up a taste-busting way to help London win gold with its 2012 Olympic bid.

The head chef at Kiplings Restaurant in Greengates whetted the appetite of judges at an international food festival in London to be named the UK's number one curry chef.

And the healthy curry that won him the title has now been declared the official curry of the London 2012 bid and will be served up at restaurants across the country.

Mr Mahmood, who represented Bradford in the Battle of the Chefs at the famous Banglatown International Curry Festival in Brick Lane, has been asked to reveal the ingredients of his top secret dish so other restaurateurs can copy it and dish it up.

Kiplings was chosen as Bradford's ambassador in the contest because it was one of the teams that helped Bradford win the curry capital of the year title in July.

Mohammed Rafiq, one of the restaurant's partners, said: "We are over the moon. It's a huge honour and we're hoping our winning formula will rub off on London's bid."

Mr Mahmood was up against one chef from Glasgow and six from London and had to cook two special dishes - a traditional South Asian dish and a traditional UK curry - to tempt the judges' tastebuds.

His winning curry was a chicken fillet and prawns cooked in a tandoori oven and served on a bed of lemon-coated vegetables with a Karahi sauce made up of tomatoes and onions.

The competition was judged by a host of dignitaries including representatives of the Mayor of London, Baroness Paula Uddin, MP Oona King, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh and the Mayor of Tower Hamlets.

A delighted Mr Rafiq said the announcement that Bradford had won was met by a stunned silence. "There was a bit of a silence, there wasn't masses of applause from the London chefs but you can't really blame them - it is their city after all!"

Despite their win, there was no rest for the Kiplings duo who travelled back to Bradford overnight and were back at work the next day.

"We haven't got time to celebrate it but our phone hasn't stopped ringing. Our customers have been ringing non-stop to congratulate us," said Mr Rafiq.