A carer who looked after a severely disabled youngster is spearheading a fundraising campaign for a much-needed specialised buggy.

And the mum of 14-year-old Alexandra Binns today spoke of her "tremendous gratitude" to Patricia Bell, who is trying to improve the teenager's quality of life.

Alexandra has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair and suffers from frequent epileptic fits. She attends Bolling Special School but has difficulty getting to and from school because her wheelchair does not fit in the family car.

Her dad Stephen, 58, and mum Susan, 57, have been on a waiting list for the past two years for a specialised buggy for Alexandra which will allow her to go on days out in the car, visit family and friends and get to school easier.

Mrs Binns is unable to work because of her commitments caring for her daughter and Mr Binns has only recently returned to work as a tanner after a hip replacement.

Now, after hearing of the family's plight, Alexandra's former carer Mrs Bell has offered to help raise the £1,000 needed to buy the buggy by taking part in a sponsored swim of 20 lengths of Shipley Pool on Saturday.

Mrs Bell, 49, of Shipley, said: "I want to raise £1,000 in total to buy a new buggy for Alexandra. Her mum finds it hard to get her round in the wheelchair.

"I helped look after Alexandra last year and I really connected with the family so just want to help out as much as I can.

"The sponsored swim will be a real challenge for me - I'm not much of a swimmer but I hope to raise lots of money." Mrs Binns, of March Cote Lane, Cottingley, said she and her husband could not afford the buggy themselves after Alexandra had outgrown her old one.

She said: "As a youngster Alexandra used to be able to step and feed herself but unfortunately her health has deteriorated as time has gone on."

Alexandra had been in hospital for a number of operations and often had to be fed through a tube to her stomach.

"In general she's a very happy, very content little girl but she's growing and has outgrown her old buggy and she needs to get out and about.

"It is lovely of Patricia to help out."

Anyone wishing to sponsor Mrs Bell should call her on (01274) 426719 or 0781 6618145.