Why must I pay to visit the tip?

Sir - A few days ago I visited the waste disposal site in Bowling Back Lane to dispose of some soil and rubble, something I had done several times over the past few weeks.

On this particular occasion I was told that I would be charged as it was a full load (the back of a small pick-up, full).

I would have thought that we all paid enough in council tax to be able to visit the tip as many times as we like with domestic or garden waste.

A more unscrupulous person might have visited a quiet country lane or beauty spot in or around Bradford to dispose of their rubbish instead of using the facilities for what they are intended.

Open your eyes, Bradford Council, and look at the bigger picture and then fly-tippers have no excuse.

Andrew Spence, Hall Avenue, Eccleshill.

l A spokesman for Bradford Council said: "Everyone has a duty to manage and dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. Household waste sites, such as at Bowling Back Lane, are provided for Bradford residents to dispose of bulky and excess household waste not normally removed by the weekly refuse collection service.

"Rubble/soil-type wastes are construction wastes, which is not household waste, though we do provide containers at household waste sites for small quantities of such wastes. However, we would expect residents with large quantities of rubble/soil to get a skip rather than use the household waste site.

"As Bowling Back Lane has a commercial waste outlet attached to it we are able to accept quantities of waste brought on commercial vehicles, for which a charge is levied."

A fine too far...

SIR - Litter has been a problem in this city, along with fly-tipping, for many years and it has proven to be a very difficult message to get across to people when asking them to 'Keep Britain Tidy'.

There are many places in the world where there are no litter problems so why do we have them?

I therefore applaud the stance taken by Bradford Council in getting tough with those who cause litter, yet I do not agree with a person who gets fined £50 for dropping a cigarette end. This is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

If I use a mobile phone when driving I can get a £30 non-endorsable fixed penalty yet is this not a more serious offence than dropping a 'fag' end?

The fine must reflect the seriousness of the offence, so if you throw down a polystyrene tray containing the remains of a meal, then you deserve a £50-plus fine. For a 'fag' end it should be about £10.

I know you have to start somewhere but let's go for the hard targets not the easy ones, then you will win people's support.

Brian Pickford, Summerbridge Crescent, Eccleshill.

Awful sound

Sir - Having just got back from the Pulse Party in The Park at Bingley, I felt I had to write to you regards the event.

While the event was well organised and a good line-up of stars were on stage I have to complain about the sound system - it was just awful.

The backing bands and tracks we could hear no problem but we just could not hear the announcers or most of the singers as the microphones were just not working right.

To say they are a radio station, the sound system should have been spot on! I went to them and told them the problem but as far as I was concerned they just did not want to know. When the artistes came on we could not hear them singing. About the best was Darius. Why? Was he using his own mike?

I do think it should be sorted out before the next event. Maybe the people who were really close to the stage were fine but as we were quite a way back it was terrible.

Vivienne Finch, St. James' Court, Halifax.

l Pulse programme controller Simon Walkington said: "We're very disappointed to hear that Mrs Finch didn't enjoy this year's Party In The Park fully. We do take her comments very seriously and have already passed them on to our sound system contractor.

"We've also responded directly to Mrs Finch and explained in a bit more detail the many variables that can affect the sound at an outdoors concert of this nature - Myrtle Park's beautiful surroundings not helping the acoustics!

"Though I must add that 10,000 people attended Party in the Park and Mrs Finch's complaint is the only one that we've had. We have had literally hundreds of text messages, e-mails and calls from people who thought this year's was the best Party in the Park."

Give us more...

SIR - I would like to thank whole-heartedly everyone involved in the wonderful International Market - especially the European traders who were so polite and helpful. My family and I enjoyed the event so much we couldn't keep away. We visited every day.

As someone who remembers the thriving days of the city - eg the old Kirkgate Market Hall, the open-air market stalls, John Street and Rawson too, plus the annual Bowling Tide - I've been really shocked and saddened by the city's decline and lifelessness.

The International Market seemed to breathe new life and vibrancy into Bradford. Why can't such an event take place two or three times a year? All my family and I would most certainly be very supportive.

Irene Zeb, Eversley Mount, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds.

A clear picture

SIR - With reference to the latest in Alec Suchi's series of transport-related letters (T&A, August 31) I would again recommend Mr Suchi to read and digest Metro's agenda and minutes, which give a clear picture of the work we carry out to encourage and enable the public to use buses and trains.

I think he would also find our Best Value Performance Plan 2004/2005 (Policy to Action) informative and encouraging, as it demonstrates how closely we seek to be involved in all forms of forward-looking development of public transport in West Yorkshire.

Coun Stanley King, Chairman, WYPTA, Wellington House, Leeds.

Sack the lot!

SIR - Closure of wards and staff to be made redundant - this is a disgrace to our country and a betrayal of the Labour party.

We are asking for nurses and care staff, etc, because of shortages in staffing our hospital, yet Airedale Trust is going to get rid of staff owing to incompetence of management in not running hospitals in the correct manner.

It is not nurses who should be made redundant but management who have got the Trust in financial difficulties.

I would call this gross misconduct and they all should be sacked.

J R Smith, Flawith Drive, Bradford.