Colin Todd wants Nicky Summerbee to make a habit of churning out top-notch performances.

Summerbee stole the show in the 4-1 thrashing of Bristol City with arguably his best display in a City shirt.

The veteran right winger pulled all the strings as he bounced back from being left out altogether and dropped to the reserves.

And now Todd is demanding more of the same in the coming matches, starting with Saturday's trip to former club Swindon.

He said: "If Nicky can do it once, then he can do it in a run of games. It's about getting that consistency in his performance.

"If it takes leaving him out of the side to get him to do that, then that's fine.

"We know what is required and I'm sure Nicky knows in himself that he hasn't been producing.

"His job is to get the ball into the box with quality. When you are one against one with a defender, it's not always about trying to beat that man.

"Let's just make sure that the ball is getting into the box so the strikers know it's going to be there."

A tough work-out in training yesterday ensured that feet remained firmly on the ground after City's biggest win for three years.

Todd said: "It's important you stay level-headed and focused. The routine at the beginning of the week is the same whether we have won or lost and the boys don't get it any easier just because they have played well."

Todd has had a pop back at Bristol City boss Brian Tinnion for complaining that the Bantams were allowed to bring in Neil Roberts.

Bristol chairman Steve Lansdown is demanding clarification from the Football League over what clubs in administration are allowed to do and Tinnion moaned that rules were being changed "to suit certain sides' needs".

"There's no need for him to say that," added Todd. "If they had won

4-1 instead of losing then he wouldn't have been saying anything.

"Managers have got to learn when to say things and when to keep quiet. We had the same sort of problem at Hull when everything was fine before the game and then they were complaining afterwards."

Lansdown, who tried to sign Roberts from Wigan in the summer, said: "It seems to me that clubs are not being punished for not having their houses in order. The Football League talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk and it's farcical.

"What must a club like Blackpool, who are bottom of the table, think when Bradford, who are in administration, are allowed to bring a quality player in, despite having enough already to field a team and five subs?"

l City reserves face Lincoln tomorrow at Valley Parade in the Pontin's Holiday League Cup (2pm kick-off).

But fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Donovan Ricketts in action as the Jamaican recovers from a groin injury.