A teenager with an excep-tional musical talent has single-handedly organised a festival for others to share his passion.

Jamie Hudson, of Burras Lane, has arranged a three-day event featuring both classical and modern music which will take place in Otley and Pool in Wharfedale next month - and it's all for charity.

Jamie, 16, said: "The festival is an idea I had at the beginning of the summer holidays. I had just finished my exams and didn't have much to do. I have organised the event, printed tickets, designed the lighting, booked the venues and performers, and organised the sound equipment and all the publicity without any help.

"Any monies raised will be given to St Wilfrid's Church, Pool and Cancer Research."

Jamie already has the title of youngest choirmaster in the country after taking over the role at St Wilfrid's Church at the age of 13.

As if collecting 11 GCSEs at grade A and B from St Aidan's School, in Harrogate, was not tiring enough he decided to spend his summer holidays organising the musical spectacular, rather than relaxing.

And the final line-up for the festival is impressive.

On Friday, October 15 at St Wilfrid's, Jamie has organised a classical concert featuring Philip Tordoff, organist at Halifax Parish Church, Richard Webster, Leader of the Sinfonia of Leeds Orchestra, Pool Parish Choir and the Lower Wharfedale Combined Choirs.

The show will feature choral classics, piano duets, recitations, a selection of organ music and an appearance by television actress Bea Kelley, who has appeared in everything from Coronation Street to Heartbeat. But it's not just classical music that Jamie has a passion for.

Although he plays piano, organ, and violin, Jamie is also in the school swing band, the Chamber Choir and has a swing band of his own - JH2, influenced by Jools Holland.

On Saturday, October 16 the Courthouse in Otley will be the venue for a swing/jazz concert performed by the St Aidan's Swing Band and JH2.