A TOP comedy actress has said 'Allo 'Allo to a group of local thespians - and wished them well in their latest show.

Vicki Michelle, who played saucy barmaid Yvette in the hit BBC comedy series, has sent her best wishes to members of Otley Little Theatre who are performing the stage version of 'Allo 'Allo at Otley Civic Centre this week.

"It is a great script and I am sure that they will all have a lot of fun and play to packed houses just like we did," Vicki told the Wharfedale Observer this week.

"I hope it goes well. I shall say zis only wernce, keep up the French accents and give it everything. Play the characters for real and you won't go far wrong.

"And above all have a great time."

Vicki, who starred alongside Yeadon-based actor Gorden 'Rene' Kaye for nine years said she toured all over the country with the stage version of the show and had a special word for OLT's Mary Baldwin, who plays Yvette.

"I'd like to wish the girl who plays my character really good luck. It's a terrific part and she will have real fun with it," she said. "I remember having such a terrific time touring with 'Allo 'Allo and that was when we first realised how popular we were. We saw all those people standing in the aisles and dressing up as characters from the series.

"The stage version is really like an extended episode from the television series, and it's a lot of fun."

Vicki, who has a lengthy list of theatrical roles to her credit, said: "I am having such a great time in theatre. When we filmed Allo Allo we had 200 people in the audience but you played it for the cameras, with theatre you have hundreds there and you can play it bigger."

She is currently starring in the Ray Cooney farce Out of Order and has panto in Llandudno to look forward to, as well as the role of Miss Hennigan in Annie at Canterbury.

A spokesman for Otley Little Theatre said: "We'll certainly do our best for Michelle - and we'd like to thank her for taking the time to wish us well.

"We're sure audiences are going to have a good laugh."

The OLT cast includes Graham Siddle as Rene, Meg Morton as Edith, Gill Coverdale, Julie Sedgley, Kevin Collier and Louise Ford. Written by show creators David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, Graham Chadwick will produce.

l It runs at Otley Civic Centre until Saturday, 7.30pm. Tickets are on sale at Waye's Travel Agents in Otley. Prices are £6 (adults) £5 (OAP) and £4 (children).