A STALWART of the Labour Party and honorary citizen of Otley has called for Tony Blair to resign - branding him the worst leader in history.

In the week of what could be the final annual Labour conference before the General Election, Michael McGowan has launched a fierce attack on the Prime Minister over the invasion of Iraq.

Former Euro MP Mr McGowan, who raised his family in Otley where he was an active Labour Party member, accuses Mr Blair of misleading his party and the country.

And he claims Labour seats in the area are at risk because public trust in the PM has been so eroded.

He said: "Tony Blair has misled and let down both his country and his party and he should resign or be removed as Prime Minister.

"He has the blood of British and American forces and thousands of Iraqi civilians on his hands, and the best service he can do for his country and humanity is to step aside and make space for those who respect human life.

"The damage inflicted by Tony Blair to the United Nations, the European Union, to Britain's reputation in the world, and to community relations at home needs to be repaired as a matter of urgency.

"Britain and the Labour Party deserve better than the weak, shallow, and shifty behaviour of the worst leader in the history of the Labour Party and the weakest ever British Prime Minister.

"The Prime Minister is a liability to the Labour Party and unless he steps down or is removed before the General Election, the seats of many excellent Labour MPs will be put at risk across the Yorkshire region, including in Leeds."

Now living in Leeds, Mr McGowan served as a Euro MP for 15 years and is also a veteran peace activist.

He insists his comments are not intended to damage Labour and also denies any interest in fuelling the ongoing 'Blair versus Gordon Brown' debate.

"Who succeeds Blair is a matter for the Labour Party. But I think there is a strong feeling within the party that there should be a change, this could be a very interesting week.

"And when some people go back from the conference they will be reflecting on this, too."