Ben Rhydding Ladies 3

Nottingham Highfields 3

The ladies came away from their first league game both frustrated and also relieved. Frustration because they should have won this game but relief at coming back from 3-1 down with only minutes to go, to earn themselves a draw.

The first-half produced some good hockey but also some nervous tentative play from the home side. They should have scored early into the game but it was Nottingham who took the lead from a short corner.

The Ben Rhydding ladies did seem to be able to penetrate their opponents' defence and the one goal separated the two teams at half-time.

The second-half showed more attacking hockey and it was Kate Bradley who slotted away an equaliser to put the Ilkley side back in the game.

The final six minutes of the game saw a handful of goals. During two spells of attacks by Rhydding, play broke down and Nottingham scored two goals in the same number of minutes. Two minutes later Rhydding were awarded a penalty flick which Melissa Reynard ably converted.

With only seconds left on the clock, a penalty corner was given to the Ilkley side which was saved initially, but then Sarah Male scored the all important equaliser.

l On Saturday the ladies travel to Liverpool for their National League match.

Ben Rhydding Sixths 1

Brigg Fourths 8

The Sixth team got off to an inauspicious start to the league season with a drubbing at the hands of Brigg.

Rhydding started the game with just nine men, which did not bode well. They then shipped their first goal within the first 30 seconds. Things stabilised a little up to half-time but by then the team was tiring quickly.

Captain Oliver Packet did his best to rally the troops and said the aim of the next 35 minutes was to score a goal before leaving Lincolnshire. As a consequence Rhydding played heroically and Andy Charlesworth scored from a short corner with lan. Unfortunately, this attacking formation left the backs more than a little exposed and Brigg were able to seize their opportunities. The sixths were able to prove they are a spirited and fit team.

Ben Rhydding Fifths 5

Huddersfield 0

BEN Rhydding Fifths started their league season against old rivals Huddersfield and cemerged easy winners. Ben Rhydding were soon into their stride with excellent distribution, winning a short corner which was converted by Howard Pickard after a lovely move in the D which left the Huddersfield defence for dead.

Thereafter it was one-way traffic with further goals by Chris Sunderland a very lively centre forward, another by Pickard and Woodhead from another short corner to round off an excellent afternoon's hockey.

Ben Rhydding Sevenths 5

Normanby Park 2

The Badgers opened their league season with an emphatic win. Normanby Park attacks were limited but they opened the scoring when the Badgers' defence left the centre forward unmarked.

The Badgers levelled when Connor Dowley scored his first goal, getting the final touch in a father and son short corner routine!

The Badgers continued to press forward, Norman Borrett controlling the midfield and distributing the ball to the eager forwards with his accustomed authority. At half-time the scores where 3-2 following goals from Higget and Priestley, and a goal from Normanby Park.

Once again the young colts showed excellent ability, Steven Timperley was tenacious in his tackles.

Two further goals in the second-half one from Nixon and a second from Higget ensured a comfortable win.

The men's first team lost 4-3 to Sheffield Bankers. The second team had a 2-0 wion over Wakefield with goals from I Cussons and J Metcalfe. The thirds beat Sheffield Uni Bankers 1-0.