The mother of a teenager who is fighting cancer has won her own battle to swim across Lake Windermere.

Julie Gilbert, 45, was joined by three fellow swimmers and four rowers in the event she organised on Saturday to raise money for cancer research and lymphoma.

Julie, a nurse on the haematology-oncology unit at Airedale Hospital, decided to embark on her fund-raising effort after her son Luke was diagnosed with an angressive form of cancer.

Luke, 17, who lives with his family in Holme Grove, Burley-in-Wharfedale, was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, almost a year ago.

He has undergone a number of courses of intensive chemotherapy, and is due to start another on Friday, which is expected to keep him in hospital for at least six weeks.

Julie described how her son's "wicked" sense of humour has helped see him through.

And her own sense of humour must have undoubtedly helped as she undertook the one mile swim in extremely low temperatures.

Julie and the other swimmers, Louise Adams, Zoe Vause, and Janet Broom, were told that if the 55 degree farenheit temperature had been one degree lower they would have been advised to call the whole thing off.

But they were determined to take the plunge and were accompanied by members of the Doe Park Sailing Club, at Denholme, led by former cancer patient Brian Wright.

And she said they were all glad they had gone ahead - cheered on by friends, family and workmates.

"It was fantastic," she stressed. "When we got there on Saturday it was like facing your demons, and I thought me and my big mouth. But it was such an achievement. Everybody was absolutely fantastic,

especially the rowers."

Julie, who has already raised £113 with a collection at Booths, is now waiting to see how much the sponsored swim brings in.

And now Julie's former and present riding instructors have organised a dressage competition to raise money for lymphoma research. The event, which is run to British Dressage Rules, will take place at Crow Trees Farm, High Birstwith, Harrogate, on Sunday October 10.

Entries, which cost £7 each, will close on Monday October 4. Further information can be obtained from Caroline Birkett, on 07973 549466.