Ben Rhydding people have been seeking the backing of the Prince of Wales and a rural business

campaign to help them save the last pub in the community.

Residents trying to save The Wheatley Hotel from being converted to houses how now gathered 500

petition signatures and are seeking support from elsewhere in the run-up to a decisive planners' meeting in less than two week's time.

Pool-in-Wharfedale property developer Antler Homes Yorkshire wants to convert the pub to four flats and build 18 homes on the site. Owner Punch Taverns claimed its decision to close the pub was influenced by the knock-on effects of the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease on trade at The Wheatley.

Members of local campaign group Save Us Pub (SUP) hope to present a strong case when they turn out at the special Keighley Plans Panel meeting held in Ilkley on October 11. They are encouraging as many people as possible to

be at Ilkley Playhouse's Wharfedale Theatre on the day - and are still collecting signatures in an attempt to show the strength of feeling for saving what they claim is a vital community facility.

One member has also written to the Prince of Wales in the hope he will take Ben Rhydding's 'local' under his wing. Prince Charles launched Business in the Community's Rural Action Programme - also known as Pub is the Hub - in 2001 to combat the plight of the traditional village pub.

Although a member of the programme has replied, saying the Prince is unable to get involved in individual planning matters, Ben Rhydding people were encouraged by the organisation's response.

One of the key campaigners, Sandy MacPherson, says that although many aspects of the plan have changed from the original scheme which was turned down by Bradford planners, the argument that the pub must be preserved as a community facility still remains.

"One of the reasons it was turned down last time was because it's an amenity. That hasn't changed,"

He is still urging as many members of the community as possible to sign the latest petition, and to attend the meeting on October 11. Copies of the petition are available to sign at a number of Ben Rhydding shops and businesses.

The recommendations of Bradford Council planners on the Wheatley Hotel plan are expected to be made known tomorrow, when the Keighley Plans Panel's agenda is published. The Panel opted to hold the meeting in Ilkley as it is expecting a number of campaigners to attend. Other Ilkley plans will be considered at the meeting.