A shopkeeper who was battered over the head with an iron bar in a vicious robbery was today still being treated in hospital.

Sohan Singh Bhullar, 54, had just opened up his newsagents shop in Town Street, Rawdon, when two masked men wielding iron bars burst in and confronted him at 6.30am yesterday. Police said the robbers were disturbed when the shopkeeper's wife came down into the shop from their home upstairs.

"She shouted at them to leave her husband alone," said Detective Sergeant Karl Thompson, of Weetwood CID. "Their son Dalvir then came downstairs and the father and son grappled with the robbers and managed to push them out of the door. They left empty-handed.

"The attack was mindless violence, the metal bars were of a considerable size and weight. It was a particularly vicious attack."

Mr Bhullar was hit once over the head with the iron bar and suffered a severe cut to the top of his head which needed stitches at hospital. He was severely concussed and drifting in and out of consciousness. He underwent a series of x-rays and a precautionary scan.

"We would ask anyone who witnessed anything or has any information on the car or the men involved to contact us," said DS Thompson.

"We particularly want to trace the driver of a red car outside the shop at the time of the incident. The driver is not believed to be connected but may have witnessed the incident."

The offenders fled the scene in a red Vauxhall Cavalier, registration J108 AWX, which had been stolen from the Leeds area. It was last seen heading towards Leeds and has not been traced. The raiders were both white and wore balaclavas.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at Weetwood on (0113) 241 3459.