The madcap machines from blockbuster film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang are winging and trundling their way to Bradford.

A new exhibition at the city's Industrial Museum, on Moorside Road, Eccleshill, showcases the "inventions" of Dick Van Dyke's film character Caractacus Potts. The five machines are actually the work of eminent cartoonist and designer Rowland Emett.

His work has been described as whimsical and he is known for his large, intricate fully-working inventions.

Mr Emett built his reputation as a cartoonist for Punch, where he was approached to transform his cartoons into working machines for the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

The exhibition is running in conjunction with a hands-on exhibition Creative Minds, to engage children in science and technology.

Collections Officer Michael Callaghan said: "We are trying to get children into technology, into a creative way of thinking and this is the whackiest way we thought of doing it.

"We get their attention and hopefully get them interested in science and technology, which doesn't get taken up on anymore."

The museum was handed the machines, which regularly feature in the Merrion Centre in Leeds, after it approached the private owners, the Ziss family.

Executive member for regeneration, Councillor Simon Cooke, said: "The machines really have to be seen to be believed, and they're guaranteed to delight children and adults alike. This exhibition is a must for every fan of the film."

However screen car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang itself isn't part of the exhibition and will not be making a return trip to the city.

In 1994, the wacky vehicle helped launch the new look T&A, making heads turn as it toured the city centre as part of the launch event.

l The exhibition runs until January 16, 2005. Admission is free. For more details, contact the museum on (01274) 435900.