It's got a £1,000 Taj Mahal cake, flowers everywhere and a stunning red and gold silk-decked temple.

No expense has been spared when Sunita finally marries Dev in the Coronation Street wedding of the year next month.

And the design team behind it all, from Bradford's famous Bombay Stores, will be among the millions watching when the shop girl ties the knot with the boss.

They were called in by the soap's directors to help create the lavish setting in traditional Hindu style in a purpose-built set at Granada studios.

The decor, furniture, drapes, food and even Dev's veil for the ceremony came from the famous shop in Shearbridge Road. The company which arranges up to 500 Asian weddings a year in the Bradford district was asked to make it over-the-top.

"It's cheesy, specially done for the television," said store manager Vaseem Kader. "The cake especially so. There is sponge in the bottom but the top is fibre glass covered in icing.

"It was a tremendous honour to work for Coronation Street. So much so, I haven't sent them a bill yet!" His wife Fehmina went to the studios to help and met Sunita. She said: "She is very northern - hospitable and nice. She wanted everything spot-on. She wears a beautiful red outfit and will look gorgeous. Dev is in beige.

"The fabrics look fantastic and the cake is monstrous."

After helping to set it all up, they left it behind for the filming, which took a full week and now they, along with millions of Street fans, will be glued to the TV when it goes out next month.

Vaseem added: "I don't usually watch it, because I am working, but as it is all our work on show I shall make sure I see it.

"They contacted us about five weeks ago to do it and it was all very last minute. We sat down with the directors a few times to make sure we got what they wanted.

"But it has traditional Asian colours of gold and red, the fire and the mandip, (the four-pillar temple)."

The couple traditionally walk around the fire seven times to bring good aspects to the marriage such as health and happiness.

Dev will arrive on a decorated horse and Sunita is carried in a gold carriage. Their chef in Manchester cooked their mainly-vegetarian banquet in the studio.

More than 600 metres of exotic cloths were used in the decorations and the food was cooked for its colours to make a good show on screen.

A Coronation Street spokesman said: "The lavish set had to be created from scratch because of the complexity of the filming demands.

"We were, as ever, anxious to get it accurate in every detail for something so important. It is our first Hindu wedding. It took a week to film the event and included most members of the cast. There are still a couple of surprises awaiting the happy couple on their wedding day.

"Viewers have seen this relationship develop over a few years now but there are still some twists and turns."

Most of the cast will be there as the shop girl and her boss marry after a turbulent few years which has included family fall-outs, mad Maya's attempt to wreck it all and Sunita's brain tumour.

Vaseem added: "I hope our set brings them luck." The scenes will be screened at the end of next month.