A 19-year-old is recovering today after being gunned down in broad daylight in a Bradford street - the sixth shooting in less than a month.

The teenager was walking in Mumford Street, West Bowling, when he was shot twice.

He sustained injuries to one hand - which took the brunt of the blast - and the chest and was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary for treatment.

Two Asian men in their mid-20s were seen running from the scene after two shots were fired just before 5pm on Friday.

Detective Inspector Simon Bottomley, said the two men may have been known to the victim as the shooting happened after he reportedly called them over to him.

He said last night the victim was still being treated by medical staff and they were waiting to interview him.

DI Bottomley, said: "It happened at a busy time of day so it may well be that somebody saw something. We urge them to contact us."

The victim is an Iraqi who has been in Bradford for about three months after coming from Birmingham to stay with his brother and cousin.

Initially he was placed under police guard at hospital but that has since been removed.

Police say it is too early to say whether the shooting is linked to another one last week in nearby Darnay Lane.

In the incident last Tuesday a man suffered serious injuries from flying glass after a window was blasted at a house in the terraced street.

And a week ago last Friday father-of-three Talib Hussain was murdered in

an alley behind Amberley Street off Leeds Road.

The West Bowling incidents are not at this stage being linked to three other shootings in the Leeds Road area.

A police chief has reassured people that the series of shootings are specifically targeted and that the general public are not at risk.

Acting assistant chief constable Grahame Bullock, said it was "worrying" but not an epidemic.

Any witnesses to the latest shooting are asked to contact the police on (01274) 376485.