A £3.6 million price tag has been put on a proposal to save the famous towers of Bradford's former Odeon Cinema.

International engineering consultants have already ruled out saving the whole building and have now revealed the costs of various options for the city centre site.

All the options allow for the 1930s cinema to be replaced by an exciting new building, which could have a range of uses such as a concert hall, conference centre or other cultural function to blend in with the leisure and entertainment facilities nearby, including the Alhambra and National Museum of Photography, Film and Television.

Consultants Arup have reported that retaining the towers as part of the new building and making them structurally sound is the most expensive option, at £3.6 million. They could be replaced by replica domes using the latest materials, for between £2.5 million and £3.5 million.

Alternatively, the new building could contain design features reflecting the towers which once stood there.

Completely demolishing the building and clearing the site would cost £1.44 million.

Bradford Centre Regeneration - the city's redevelopment and regeneration team - is now asking local people to let them know which of the options they prefer. And thisisbradford readers can take part by voting on Bradford Centre Regeneration's website www.bradfordurc.co.uk.

Today, Bradford Centre Regeneration's chief executive Maud Marshall said: "The cost of restoration of the towers is unnervingly high, but we are very aware of the strong affection some people have for the building.

"The feedback will help to inform us on how we should structure a competition which will select the design of the new landmark building to be erected on this site."

Mrs Marshall said once the format of the design competition had been decided the subsequent consultation exercise would include a major exhibition to showcase the shortlisted designs.

l A public meeting has been organised at City Hall tomorrow over the Odeon's future.

Mrs Marshall will give details of a structural survey carried out into the condition of the building.

Councillor Val Slater, chairman of Bradford Council's regeneration improvement committee, said: "The Odeon holds a special place in the hearts of local people and it is important that everyone is given to opportunity to have their say."

The meeting starts at 6.30pm.