Gangs of youths are being targeted by police in a crackdown on anti-social behaviour in Horsforth.

The blitz has been launched to combat increasingly disruptive behaviour from up to 40 youths congregating outside the One Stop Shop on New Road Side.

Police have moved to stop the trouble makers in the wake of increasing problems of petty crime from the gang - including assaults, graffiti and under age drinking.

And as their behaviour has increasingly spiralled out of control, the gang has proved a magnet to troublemakers from other areas.

But now police have clamped down on the problem with Operation Alloway and the arrest of six youths for public order offences.

A further 14 have been taken home to their parents and 24 joint police and Leeds City Council anti-social behaviour letters have been sent out.

The letters are effectively warnings which could be the first step in a process leading to the imposition of anti-social behaviour orders - although police do not expect it to come to that.

And the public are being urged to play their part in the crackdown by reporting anti-social behaviour to a 24-hour police number.

Sgt Colin Haigh, of the community policing team at Horsforth, urged local people to use the 24-hour answerphone - the number is 0113 2395024 - to report any information which could help the police.

He said Operation Alloway was launched after a gang of about 30 to 40 youths came together from splinter groups from all over Horsforth and began congregating outside the One Stop Shop.

He said the youths had been buying drink - although not from the One Stop Shop - and in some cases had had drink bought for them by older people. As their behaviour deteriorated, youths from other areas such as Bramley also began to congregate with the gang.

Since the launch of the police operation the group has reduced in size considerably, he said, and the instances of under-age drinking were in decline. But he stressed the need for the public and parents to work with the police to keep the problem under control.

He said anyone who was concerned about petty crime such as graffiti or harassment could ring the answerphone line to report any information they had.

He emphasised the anti-social behaviour on New Road Side, which had developed over the last few months, was not a major problem.

But he said officers had decided to clamp down on it before it became any worse.

"We want to send out a message that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated."