Three community panels set up to look at ways of alleviating flooding in parts of the Aire Valley are already starting to have an impact on efforts to tackle the problem.

Flood victims in Old Main Street in Bingley, Branksome Drive in Nab Wood, and Ash Grove in Bingley have got together to look at the specific problems in their area.

They have drawn up a list of jobs to be done, for example clearing debris from the river, having drains surveyed, protecting their homes or negotiating with landowners.

And with the help of Bradford's own development worker Glen Miller - a pioneer in the field - work to alleviate any future flooding is already being undertaken.

The groups are also drawing up booklets to be distributed to homes containing contact numbers and advice on what to do in times of flooding.

Andrew Quarry, of Old Main Street, suffered £57,000 damage to his home when the River Aire flooded in October 2000.

"I was one of the people most affected by the floods and consequently when I heard about this group, I got myself involved," he said.

"We knew there wasn't billions of pounds available but now we feel as though we are being heard and that people are taking action. It's nice that this is a community-based set up, it's nice to get together and it's nice to see some action. Communication is better."

The three groups were set up under an initiative funded by Bradford Council and co-ordinated by Mr Miller, based at Bingley Voluntary Action. He said by uniting the residents were getting their voices heard.

For example the Nab Wood residents had asked Bradford Council to survey the drains - within ten days it had been done.

Mr Miller said: "The Council has listened to the community groups. Working in conjunction with them they are addressing the needs of these communities."

The panels feed concerns to a steering group which involves various agencies involved in water management, including the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water. It means issues raised are addressed by the relevant agency, and that agency is accountable to the rest of the committee.

Mr Miller said he was pleased with the work already done, but had been disheartened more groups had not been set up in the district, despite having the funding for seven more groups.

Anyone who is interested in forming a group should contact him on (01274) 787921.