Lung tests on Bradford workers who may have been exposed to killer asbestos dust revealed just one person with chest problems.

Meeting in Bradford on Saturday, members of the Bradford Asbestos Support Group were told that 35 workers, most of them from former carpet company Associated Weavers, had been tested.

It is feared that many workers may have been contaminated by asbestos fibres used extensively as insulation in the factory and especially after a disastrous fire in 1969 when the roof fell in.

But the group also believes that workers from many other industries in the Bradford area may have inhaled the dust which causes fatal mesothelioma. The disease can take decades to develop.

Carol Duerden, a nurse from the Workers' Health Advice Team, who conducted the lung function tests, said that only one person had shown any abnormality.

"Most people were clear," said Mrs Duerden. "Some people were showing obstructive changes such as asthma and bronchitis. There was one man who may have had something else but he's now seen a chest physician.

"The plan now is to get these workers in for tests every year. We'll make it a long term study because now we have a baseline and we can spot changes going on."

The group, which has now formally elected a committee, is seeking financial help from local councils, unions and other organisations to build up a war chest to help workers with asbestosis fight for compensation.

Committee member Maurice Britton, a full-time regional official with the Transport and General Workers' Union (T&G), urged the city's MPs to get involved in the fight which could involve thousands of workers.

Group secretary Terry Britton said: "We're keeping this ongoing because we feel it's very important. We shouldn't lose sight of it.

"There are all sorts of cases cropping up. I wonder how many cases have been missed in the past and just put down to smoking."

The group is now urgently trying to contact hundreds of former members of Assoc-iated Weavers.

It is believed that up to a third may have lived in the Spen Valley and Dewsbury areas. Many were also from the Asian community.

The group is meeting again at 10.30am on Saturday, March 5, at The Transport Club in Sunbridge Road, Bradford, to hear from the Health and Safety Executive.

Further test sessions for Associated Weavers and other workers are to be held throughout the year. Places can be booked by calling Carol Duerden on (01274) 393949.