In 1907, the first cabs with meters began operating.

In 1935, aeroplanes were banned from flying over the White House.

In 1991, Iraqi forces began setting fire to Kuwaiti oil fields.

From the Telegraph & Argus of February 22, 1980...

A rumour in Keighley that Siamese twins had been born to a couple has been confirmed. All those concerned with the event have been pledged to secrecy, but it's understood the birth has taken place and that surgeons have been approached to operate. It's believed that the birth had taken place in Keighley Victoria Hospital and that the twins have been transferred to Bradford Children's Hospital.

From the Telegraph & Argus of February 22, 1955...

Bradford sports enthusiasts will soon have to pay ten and 18 per cent more for the use of council-owned facilities from March 3.

Library users are also going to have to dig deeper into their pockets from April 1, when the cost of hiring library rooms will be raised by ten per cent and fines for overdue books will go up to 9p a week.

All the increases have been approved by Bradford Metropolitan Council's Leisure Services Panel.