Teenage fairy godmother Penny Taylor has waved her magic wand and saved a village pantomime.

Until this year, the annual community panto in Eldwick had been staged for a quarter of a century.

But the New Eldwick Dramatic Society (NEDS) decided to bring down the curtain because most of its members wanted to retire.

That's when 16-year-old Penny, a pupil at Bingley Grammar School, took centre stage and made sure there would be a happy ending.

Penny has been in the pantomime since she was eight and was distraught when she heard the tradition was all over.

Oh, no it isn't, she decided, and set out to rally local support.

She said: "I was really upset. I have been in it for eight years and every bit has been amazing.

"You make so many new friends and get to be a different person on stage. It's a real thrill when you go for the finale and everyone is cheering."

After persuading NEDS to finance the show, she started organising the production, which included picking a script, choosing a director and holding auditions.

"They told me it would be hard work but I wasn't put off," said Penny. "I think pantomimes are so important, especially for the younger children. They can learn so much.

"Panto builds confidence and teaches you how to get on with people. These are all skills that you can take into everyday life."

Penny's family, of Glen View Road, Eldwick, have supported her the whole way and she is both excited and nervous in the run-up to Babes in the Wood next month.

She said: "It has been a real family affair and now we will be pushing it really hard to make sure its a success."

Mike Bamford, a member of NEDS, said: "The nice thing about this production is that it's the young people who used to be in the pantomime who have got together.

"They were so disappointed that there wasn't going to be one that they have got themselves together and produced one."

The show will take place at Eldwick Village Memorial Hall from March 2 to March 5. Performances start at 7.15pm with an extra Saturday matinee at 2.15pm and tickets are available from Eldwick Post Office.