Dozens of gritters were sent out on the district's roads last night after Bradford Council's Highways Department held an emergency meeting to consider weather forecasts.

Council staff were today still monitoring the snow and ice situation as more snow flurries were forecast.

Forecasters said there will be more showers throughout the week with the heaviest and most persistent set for Thursday.

Throughout the night 28 wagons were out clearing main roads in the city and across town centres across the district.

Today 12 gritters were out clearing side roads on to estates while others were standing by.

The Council used sugar-coated grit for the first time in West Yorkshire and computerised ice monitors were operating in high areas including Queensbury.

The molasses used in the road salt helps the grit to stick to the surface of the route - even after rainfall.

Traditional salt usually ends up at the side of the road because it cannot stick when the surface is damp.

A Council spokesman said heavy snow showers were not expected today, although flurries were predicted.

Large numbers of gritters were expected to be out tonight.

Coun Anne Hawkesworth, the Council's executive member for the environment, appealed to drivers to put their vehicles in driveways and garages to keep roads clear for gritting.

She said: "It can create serious problems because there cannot be gritting on roads where vehicles have been left. We hope drivers will co-operate for the sake of safety."

The Council has drawn up new gritting routes which officers believe will be more efficient and are being used for the first time this winter. The fleet of gritters has also been refurbished.

Over the next 24 hours, temperatures will rise no higher than 3 deg C but the chilly north east winds will make it feel more like minus 5 deg C.

"The winds will make it feel very cold indeed," a Press Association Weather Centre spokesman said. Night-time temperatures of minus 3C will be accompanied by a widespread frosts.

The weekend, while remaining cold, should be brighter and slightly warmer.

"There will still be the risk of wintry showers," said the spokesman.

West Yorkshire Police have warned drivers to take extra care in the conditions.