Ricky Tomlinson St George's Hall In his off-white vest and sagging jeans, the man with the tangled beard shuffled on stage to a rousing chorus of "My Ar**" from the audience.

He may have been dressed as his alter ego, Jim Royle, but actor Ricky Tomlinson spoke from his own heart delivering a stream of anecdotes and club gags.

Interviewed by sports commentator Elton Welsby, Ricky recalled his wartime childhood and early showbiz days running a Liverpool casting agency after his prison sentence, for organising flying pickets, left him blacklisted on building sites.

Ricky may be a multi awardwinning film and TV actor, but he's no luvvie. Watching him chat on stage, clutching his pint of mild, was like spending an evening down the pub with him.

Refreshingly honest, with the quick wit and ad libbing skills of a seasoned club comic, he tore into what he calls "plastic Scousers" (let's just say Cilla Black isn't his favourite person) and spoke fondly of working with director Ken Loach.

He even re-enacted a favourite scene from The Royle Family and revealed plans for a movie version of the sitcom Great fun.