Our columnist this week is a 22-year-old student from Tyersal, Bradford, Sarah Jakes

The footy season's almost over at last - or so I thought. I was reminded that the World Cup is just around the corner. I wondered why my boyfriend had thrown all the food out of the fridge. Apparently they were an obstruction to his lager.

It seems to me that some men think the more involved with the sport they are the more masculine they are, thus attracting more attention from the opposite sex. Right.

Firstly, I don't believe there is an offside rule - no they just make it up as they go along to look cool and have something to shout at games.

Many a night I've watches the sauce pots, jars and ketchup being moved into position as my bloke tried to explain the rule of all rules - sorry, I just don't understand how the tomato sauce can only score if the salt and pepper are between him and the goal.

He gave up on me when I called the crowd an audience.

Obviously there is one good thing about football and that's watching 22 men run around in tight little shorts showing off their lovely muscular thighs. Refs are usually old so they don't count.

Don't get me wrong, I do like football I just think it's funny how it makes some usually quiet and retiring men turn into boisterous, angry hooligans for 90 minutes. I know there are a lot of female fans too and some of them can be just as bad for yelling and swearing at the telly.

However, last Wednesday evening watching Tyersal FC play - though a good game and great team - when the rain came down and the freezing winds started I had to question why they do it. Many a time I wanted to go home but I decided to stay loyal to my other half and watch him play a full game.

I just panic when the ball comes near me. I have this awful nightmare I'm there with my hot Bovril and pie when the ball comes hurtling towards my head. When it was over despite being frozen, drenched and with ice on their eyebrows they were all smiling. And they're going to do it all again next week!

I've advised my bloke he should take up another sport, preferably indoors where it's not too chilly.

Maybe us girls don't understand it because it's one of those things that separates the sexes.

Men don't understand the importance of shopping just as we don't really understand the importance of football, or maybe it's because we need three sports bras just to put up the nets.

With the World Cup fast approaching money is to be made in the milking. As it is held in Germany the German pub owners were going to charge £5 a pint. Whether it is to try and stop fans getting so drunk or just to be greedy it's not fair. We all know it's the latter.

I'm not stupid, I wouldn't buy a badge saying 'I saw the World Cup in Germany' or fall for the overpriced pie - I'd rather bake my own.

Despite all this though, I wouldn't mind a footballer's wage!

Maybe it's a good thing it's not held in Munich in October when the massive German beer festival starts.