As smoking rates creep up in the Bradford district, people are being urged to take advantage of the help available on the NHS to quit on National No Smoking Day next Wednesday.

In 2005, it was estimated 25 per cent of adults in the Bradford district were smokers, but according to a district wide lifestyle survey in 2007/2008 this had fallen to 20 per cent.

However, latest figures from 2009 suggest this rate has crept up to 23.9 per cent, a rise public health experts attribute to the recession, with higher stress levels a contributing factor, with individuals who are very deprived being the most likely to smoke.

This smoking epidemic is the biggest cause of illness and premature death in the district and smokers are being urged to break free from their smoking habit and escape the addiction.

Staff at Bradford and Airedale’s stop smoking service will be out and about at different venues across the district on No Smoking Day to offer people help, advice and support to kick their habit.

On Wednesday, stop smoking advisors will be at: Morrisons, Victoria Shopping Centre, Bradford, from 11am to 1pm; Asda, Rooley Lane, Bradford, from 9am to 1.30pm, Shipley Library, from 10am to 4pm, and Keighley indoor market, from 1pm to 4pm. Anyone who wants to hand over their cigarettes will receive a free fire safety assessment as well as advice and support.

Lorraine Bradbury, from the stop smoking service, said: “Research shows that two thirds of smokers would like to stop. By using the support available on No Smoking Day and throughout the year, you can significantly increase your chance of success. ”

If you are interested in seeking help and advice on stopping smoking, call the local free stop smoking service on (01274) 202793 or text ‘quitb’ to 88020 and someone from the service will call you back.