Probationary cops were keeping watch in Keighley yesterday as part of an operation to slam the brakes on travelling criminals.

More than 50 probationer constables were in the town, and at Shipley, using special equipment to identify suspicious vehicles.

The device scans number plates and matches the results against a national police database.

The officers -- who are in their initial two-year training period -- were joined by representatives of the Vehicle Inspectorate, HM Customs, DVLA Enforcement and the local authority.

Sgt Mark Eilbeck, of the police Target initiative, said: "This is all about taking vehicles out of the hands of criminals, preventing them from travelling around the district to commit crime.

"As well as helping to reduce crime, the probationers are also gaining valuable policing experience."

Chief Inspector Steve Hodgson, of Keighley Police, said: "We are making best use of our resources by taking training out of the classroom onto the streets of West Yorkshire in our fight against crime.

"This is a great example of where the police are using every opportunity to have a more visible presence on our streets, denying criminals use of the roads to commit crime.

"Operations such as this demonstrate to the public our commitment to have an impactive visible police presence within the community -- tackling crime and giving increased public confidence and satisfaction."