The service that must not be lost

SIR - Many people in Otley will know we have enjoyed the provision of Rangers, employed by Leeds City Council, to work on Otley Chevin. Being based at the White House they are easily accessible to the community, local groups and individuals who enjoy the use of the facilities provided by the Chevin itself.

This Ranger service is a valuable asset for reasons too numerous to itemise here. Leeds Council has announced its probable intention to remove the Rangers from the Chevin and to centralise them away at Redhall. The service has already been prevented from working at weekends causing the end of all voluntary work that has happened up until now.

The review seems to be just another thinly-disguised attempt by the Council to save money at the cost of facilities previously provided for the good of our local community. I want to make as many people as possible aware of the proposed changes as I feel it will impact directly on those of us who use the Chevin on either a regular or an occasional basis.

If you share the opinion this is a backward step that will devalue and ultimately degenerate this resource, please write with your comments to: John Davies, Director of Learning and Leisure, 7th Floor West, Merrion House, Merrion Centre, Leeds. LS2 8QB.

Tracey Blackwell, Ilkley Road, Otley.

Wonderful care

SIR - Much has been written about the inadequacies of the NHS and Social Services, but this is quite contrary to my experience. Recently my husband has been cared for at home by the Bradford South and West NHS and by Bradford MDC Social Services, and I cannot thank the carers, nurses, sitters and helpers enough for all their kindness and care.

They made a wonderful team and their hard work has been very much appreciated.

Sheila Dunderdale, Denbrook Avenue, Tong Street, Bradford.

Busy time ahead

SIR - I was saddened to read the story about Mr Hardaker, the city centre florist, against whom the Council is threatening action relating to encroachment on to the pavement with his flower displays. Why is it that someone who has always observed the metre rule is penalised due to a minority who have persistently and blatantly ignored the rules and been allowed to get away with it? You only need to walk around and observe these breaches of the rules, why not tackle these traders rather than penalise everyone?

The Council spokesman states: "You must understand the Council has a duty to keep the highway clear of any form of obstruction". I hope they are going to practise what they preach across the whole Bradford district, in which case they will be kept busy for many months to come in enforcing the rules against those who have no regard for them at all.

Christine Culley, Nicholson Close, Bingley

What a blunder

SIR - Will the blundering "jobsworth" responsible for the hounding-out of long-suffering owners of the plant shop in James Street please tell me where else in Bradford centre I could buy plants from a knowledgeable trader? Well done for "Buy It In Bradford".

Halifax here I come.

S Bean, Bempton Court, Great Horton.

Council idiots

SIR - We have a collection of blockheads in City Hall who have no intention of supporting the Buy It In Bradford campaign. If they think that it is disgraceful, dangerous etc to have bits and pieces on the pavements, then they should have a walk up Leeds Road or Lumb Lane and take a yardstick with them.

Am I being racist? I think not - this is a matter of business discrimination and I am sure it is illegal as well as stupid.

How many people have been injured involving these displays on the pavements? We seem to attract idiots to our Council and over the years we have had some horrendous pieces of legislature and anti-Bradford measures. The sooner we kick them out and appoint a Council of six with a proven leader the better.

As Her Majesty would have said some years ago: 'Orf with their collective heads'!

Phil Boase, Elizabeth Street, Wyke.

l EDITOR'S NOTE: The T&A has reported on several occasions that the Council is enforcing similar pavement regulations in Leeds Road and other main routes in and out of the city centre.