Desperate callers to the Samaritans have gone up by 20 per cent in Bradford this year after 2009 was for many the worst year ever.

The credit crunch has been blamed in a national report for most people’s woes but in Bradford the charity says the reason just masks other deeper, underlying problems.

Last month, it took 1,375 calls at its Mornington Villas base in Manningham and 18 per cent of those were suicidal.

As the festive season gets under way, volunteers who man the helplines are expecting an even bigger surge.

Bradford Samaritans volunteer Nicole said: “Christmas is a sad time for people who are alone, away from family for whatever reasons, who have been bereaved or are experiencing other difficulties.

“There’s also a lack of mental health support over the actual holiday break so yes, we are expecting a surge of calls.”

The report by the Samaritans showed half the population in Yorkshire and the Humber has worried this year about debt and money with almost a third describing 2009 as a bad year or their worst ever.

The poll of 2,000 people across the UK asked the public to identify their five biggest worries and after money the other top-five sources were problems in relationships with family and friends, health concerns, domestic politics and world affairs.

Workplace stress, job security and appearance and ageing were also listed as worries.

The Bradford Samaritans’ branch has 50 volunteers, including Nicole, but needs 90 if it is to run the helpline from Bradford office in the early hours from midnight until 6am.

Nicole said: “The helpline is 24 hours but there aren’t enough of us to answer the calls from Bradford all the time.

“Calls will always get through to someone who can listen but not necessarily to us in Bradford if we haven’t got anyone to cover that shift.”

Anyone interested in becoming a Samaritan is invited to an induction day at Mornington Villas on Sunday, January 17, from 10am to 3.30pm where details of how to be a volunteer will be given.

To find out more, call (01274) 547547.