Since its launch in April, Heroes Return 2 – run by the National Lottery – has helped more than 7,500 veterans, widows, spouses and carers to go on trips home and abroad to revisit scenes of conflict. Almost £5 million has been handed out and the scheme will run until January 2011. It is easy to apply and grants of up to £5,500 are available. Ring the hotline on 0845 0000121 and ask for an application pack or visit

* RFA Historical Society is compiling a list of all personnel who were on the Fleet Auxiliary Ships in the Falklands. Records are sparse – if you were there contact Peter Robinson at or write to 4 Abbey Mount, Court Avenue, Belvedere, Kent.

DIARY DATES: Today (Tuesday): Royal Marines Association meets in the Dovesdale Club at 19.30 hours. Guiseley branch of the Royal British Legion meets in the parish room of Martha’s Ale House at 19.00 hours.

Monday (December 14): REME Association meets in the Slackside WMC, Wibsey, at 19.30 hours.