A film director who helped secure London the 2012 Olympics has exposed what he claims is Britain’s “failing” education system in a new documentary.

Daryl Goodrich directed Inspiration, a three-minute film for London’s 2012 bid, telling the story of how the Olympics could inspire children across the globe.

It beat competition from some of the world’s best-known directors, including Steven Spielberg and Luc Besson who backed the New York and Paris bids.

The then London Mayor Ken Livingstone said Daryl’s films “won us the Olympics”.

Now Mr Goodrich, from Bingley, has drawn on childhood memories of his time at the former Salt Grammar School, now Titus Salt School in Baildon, for his new work, We Are The People We’ve Been Waiting For.

It is a 90-minute documentary focusing on the experiences of five British teenagers and looking at the mod- ern education system through their eyes.

Mr Goodrich said: “I’ve been lucky in seeing how people, cities and athletes prepare for the demands of Olympic events.

“There is vision and tough preparation on all sides, but the opposite is true in education where we’ve stuck to a rigid formula that was great in establishing the industrial world, but lets many down now.”

Mr Goodrich, who was named Best Director at the New York Film Festival in 2006, said he was “honoured” to be asked to direct We Are The People We’ve Been Waiting For by producer Caroline Rowland.

He said: “The result is a film, we think, that makes people sit up and take notice that education has to change now for young people to be ready for the global challenges coming our way.”

We Are The People We’ve Been Waiting For is available online on request at wearethepeoplemovie.com.