A 40-year-old man was last night being quizzed by detectives on suspicion of murder following the discovery of a pensioner’s body at a Bradford house.

Police community support officers were yesterday manning a cordon outside the house in Undercliffe Street, Pollard Park, where the dead man, who was in his 60s, was found.

The alarm had been raised by paramedics who were called to the property at 2.30pm on Tuesday. Police made the arrest a short time later.

The cordon was set up to block off a square zone at the bottom of Undercliffe Street and around the corner into Hustler Street.

The dead man has not yet been formally identified. A post-mortem examination was being carried out by a forensic pathologist yesterday to establish how the man died.

Ward councillors spoke of their shock at the chain of events.

Councillor John Robertshaw (Con, Bowling and Barkerend) was in the neighbourhood at a constituent’s house when he saw police vehicles descending on the area.

He said: “There was a hive of activity. The blue tape was going up and people living in the street were standing outside their homes.

“I find it very sad that something like this has happened in my community and my thoughts are with the family.

“If the public has any details about what happened I encourage them to inform the police to help them with their inquiries.”

Councillor Mohammed Jamil (Con, Bowling and Barkerend) said: “It’s shocking, a sad and tragic thing to happen and my sympathies are with the family of the deceased.”

Councillor Zameer Shah (Con, Bowling and Barkerend) said: “Anything like this is always shocking but I would like to reassure residents that we have a police presence operating in the area.

“If anyone has any concerns they should contact their local councillor.”

The police investigation is being handled by Detective Superintendent Andy Brennan, of the Homicide and Major Enquiry Team at West Yorkshire Police.