A mother of four is trying to find her long-lost brother who may have moved to the Bradford district.

Carol Hunt, 38, of Willenhall, in Coventry, has not seen Stephen Batham, 41, for ten years.

They are not blood relatives but grew up as brother and sister when they were adopted by the same couple in Brewood, Stafford.

They fell out of contact when they both moved on aged 18. When they last spoke on the telephone three years ago, Mr Batham said he was living in the Huddersfield area but he is known to drift from place to place.

At that time he was living with a woman called Lisa, with whom he had a son, Kieran.

He is also the father of two children from a previous relationships – Jessica and Stephanie.

Mrs Hunt, who is now married, said: “I desperately want to get in touch with him as he’s really my only family member.

“I last spoke to him on a mobile number but he may have lost his phone as I can’t reach him. He’s a bit of a character and never stays in the same place for a long time.”

Anyone with any information can call Mrs Hunt on 07783 690957.