A street drug dealer from Bradford found with cocaine and cannabis in his car has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.

Prosecutor Clare Walsh told Bradford Crown Court how Hashir Naveed was pulled over by police after he was seen in his car driving slowly in the middle of the road as if looking for something or someone.

When officers stopped his car in Bradford on June 21, 2022, they found it smelt strongly of cannabis.

On searching Naveed and his car they discovered wraps of cocaine and some cannabis valued at £420 along with £362 in cash.

Messages were found on one of his two mobile phones that indicated the supply of drugs as they were advertisements for stock and responses to buyer requests.

Miss Walsh said: “It’s clear from the messages that the defendant appeared to be part of a network of dealers and, in that sense, he was not working alone.”

Following his arrest Naveed, now 27, was interviewed but responded “no comment” to all questions asked.

After initially pleading not guilty Naveed changed his plea on the day of trial and pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and cannabis.

The court heard he had previous convictions for possession with intent to supply cocaine, heroin, and cannabis.

Mitigating, Lauren Smith said Naveed was effectively being directed by others to bag up drugs in a particular manner, and also that he would be given a “tick list” to make use of by somebody else.

She said: “Mr Naveed at the time was himself a user of cocaine and cannabis. He was drawn into dealing by those that dealt to him partially as a means of paying off his own drug debt.”

Sentencing Naveed, of Mitcham Drive, Manningham, Bradford, to a total of 30 months in prison Mrs Recorder Taryn Turner said: “Drugs ruin lives. It will ruin your life now because you’re going into custody.

“But it ruins lives for other people, too. And by peddling and dealing in these wicked substances you create mayhem and misery for society generally. There has to be a stop to it.

“People like you, who peddle these substances on the streets of Bradford, must stop.”