COUNCILLORS have spoken out about a listed mill after two fires dealt another "blow" to the future of the building.

The three "frustrated" ward councillors have voiced their concerns after Dalton Mils on Dalton Lane, Keighley, was hit by two fires, one last night and another one this morning.

Cllr Lisa Robinson, Cllr Caroline Firth and Cllr Fulzar Ahmed, the Labour district councillors in Keighley East ward, thanked the fire, police and ambulance services for attending.

Last night's fire saw six fire engines and an aerial appliance called to the scene of a "large mill fire" at 7.20pm.

Tens firefighter crews and a large appliance were then called again to the complex at 7.14am today.

They said in a joint statement: "The two fires in 24 hours at Dalton Mills, overnight and early this morning, are so sad and frustrating. 

"The building is owned by the Government, and recently there was a multi-agency meeting on the site including police and Historic England to look at how to better secure it.

"We desperately want the building to be saved and have been working with various parties to try to do this, but these incidents are yet further blows to finding a lasting positive future for Dalton Mills."

The police have launched an investigation in relation to the first blaze.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: "The circumstances are believed to be suspicious, and the incident is being treated as arson.

"Anyone who witnessed anything suspicious or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact officers via 101 or online at, quoting crime reference number 13240310081."

In relation to the second blaze, a fire service spokesperson said: "The cause of this morning's fire is also believed to be deliberate."