A MAN has been ordered to pay over £4,000 after he repeatedly ignored orders to stop noisy building works outside the permitted hours.

Mohammed Gufran Uddin, 24, pleaded guilty to six charges of breaching a community protection notice when he appeared at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court on Thursday.

They all related to work being done on two homes owned by Uddin, 69 and 71 Selbourne Grove in Keighley.

Despite Bradford Council having issued a community protection notice to limit any works to between 8am and 6pm, there was regular drilling and hammering outside those hours.

A statement from the neighbours to the property was read out in court, and said once they had complained about the work their windows were smashed and excrement thrown onto their property.

The court heard that Uddin, of Clarendon Street in Keighley, purchased the two neighbouring terraced properties in 2020.

In May 2022 Bradford Council started to receive complaints noise nuisance relating to building work coming from the homes.

They sent Uddin a warning letter, advising him work should only be carried out between 8am and 6pm on weekdays, 8am and 1pm on Saturdays, and that there should be no work on Sundays or bank holidays.

Work outside these hours, including drilling, hammering and sawing, often using loud mechanical tools, continued.

In November 2022, he was issued with a Community Protection Warning.

This was ignored, and complaints from neighbours continued.

In March 2023 a community Protection Notice was issued – breaching such a notice is a crime.

The charges Uddin pleaded guilty to were six counts of breaking this notice.

Waseem Raja, prosecuting on behalf of Bradford Council, read out a statement from the neighbours.

It said they were living a “nightmare” and felt “trapped in their own home.”

Magistrates heard that police had been involved due to threats made to the neighbours.

The statement said: “I have had paint stripper thrown on my car and excrement thrown in my front yard – all because we complained about this noise.

“Paving slabs have been thrown through the windows of our house.

“We are subject to disturbance on a daily basis, with builders working all hours.”

In mitigation, Magistrates were told that professional builders had let Uddin down, and the building work, including extensions, had gone on longer than expected.

Family members often helped with the work. 

He accepted that the work continued outside the permitted hours, and “showed remorse” for the upset he has caused.

Magistrates were told he suffers from anxiety – and this in part led to him trying to get the building work finished as soon as possible.

Uddin was fined £1,800 and ordered to pay a £720 surcharge and £1,664 costs.